Of course, it's possible when you use the Scholar Writing Routine. You’ll finally get the hang of reading, writing, and editing without getting stuck in that perfectionism trap that’s been holding you back.


Writing 10 Pages Shouldn't Feel Impossible... 

You’ve been staring at that blank page, toggling between tabs, thinking “Maybe a snack will help”—only to find yourself scrolling social media hours later. You’ve sacrificed sleep, worked through dinner, and convinced yourself that skipping that Netflix night or brunch with friends would get you closer to finishing.

But here you are, still stuck, with a half-finished outline and not nearly enough pages.

You don’t need more late nights or cancelled plans—you need a breakthrough.

That’s exactly what the 10 Pages In 2 Days Writing Retreat is for. Two days of focused writing where you’ll finally hit your stride. No distractions, no excuses. Just 10 solid pages and a clear, actionable plan for your next 30 days.

You Can Write Words On The Page 

(Your writing isn’t the problem — your routine is...)

Imagine doing more in one weekend than you have all month

First, we’ll help you regain control over your scattered to-do list and turn it into a clear, actionable plan you can actually stick to. With the Scholar Planning Routine, you’ll know exactly what tasks to tackle, in what order, and how much time to dedicate—so no more guessing or feeling overwhelmed.

Next, we’ll take you through the Scholar Writing Routine—a step-by-step process for reading, writing, and editing that’s designed to keep you focused and productive. This routine is the secret sauce for knocking out 10 pages in just 2 days, without the stress or overwhelm.

Finally, we’ll keep you on track with our Scholar Writing Challenges, providing the support you need to stay consistent and motivated. By the end, your writing confidence will be sky-high! (Alexa, play "Ego" by Beyoncé.)

I'm ready to put words on the page


Saturday, October 26th

12:00 PM – Kickoff & Welcome
Let’s set the tone for a productive weekend! We’ll go over what to expect and get you pumped for the writing marathon ahead.

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM – Scholar Planning Routine Challenge
Ready to get organized? We’ll walk through the Scholar Planning Routine so you can turn your chaos into a clear, actionable plan. Let’s make those writing goals real!

2:00 PM - 3:45 PM – Scholar Writing Challenge (Quiet Writing)
Time to dive in! Join your breakout room for focused, distraction-free writing. Watch those pages add up while you’re in the zone.

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM – Celebrate Your Progress
You put in the work—now, let’s recognize those wins! A little celebration to keep the momentum going.

Sunday, October 28th

12:00 PM – Welcome Back
Let’s check in, share wins from Day 1, and get ready to push through the finish line!

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM – Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Writing
Imposter syndrome creeping in? We’ve got you. This session will help you silence those doubts and keep your confidence high as you write.

2:00 PM - 3:45 PM – Scholar Writing Challenge (Quiet Writing)
Another deep dive into writing. With your focus sharpened and distractions minimized, you’ll make serious progress on those 10 pages.

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM – Celebrate Your Progress
We made it! Time to look at what you’ve accomplished and celebrate the pages you’ve written.

4:00 PM – Is the Finish Your Dissertation Institute Right for You?
We’ll wrap up the weekend by exploring how the next step in your writing journey could look—spoiler: it’s going to be just as transformative!

*All times are in eastern standard time

Let’s Get Into This Thang



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Save my seat for the retreat

I’ve Been Where You Are Right Now... 

I know what it feels like to promise yourself that this week will be different—that this week, you’ll finally commit to writing no matter what. But then life happens, and before you know it, another week has passed without a word on the page.

I get it.

Writing a dissertation is not like writing a course paper. On the surface, it seems like it should be, but it’s not. The dissertation requires a more sophisticated process and a higher level of commitment and discipline.

Multiple drafts. Multiple rounds of edits. And if you don’t have a clear process to follow and someone to hold you accountable, it becomes almost impossible to finish. That’s what I’m offering you at the 10 Pages In 2 Days Writing Retreat.

I’m going to show you exactly what to do and give you the space to practice it. You’ve never had an experience like this before, trust me.

So why are you still reading? Sign up, and I’ll see you on Day One!

I’m ready to upgrade my writing process!

Don't just take my word for it. Look at what past attendees have to say about the writing retreat!

Click here to put words on the page and make the next Girl Trip!